Fortune: Technologies @ High Tide

FORTUNE is a Philadelphia-based publication project, assembled by and for queer Asian publics in the Year of the Pig 2019. Each of 12 monthly issues features multiple contributors, and is released by way of gathering. Please join us for the release of FORTUNE issue 4: TECHNOLOGIES at High Tide.

Here’s what’s on the table: a series of presentations, a lazy susan, a karaoke machine, a spread of FORTUNE’s past issues and collected ephemera, a QR-code resource guide, a rotation of snacks. This event will be livestreamed, and the show will be up at High Tide thru June 29. Stay tuned for additional FORTUNE x High Tide programming through the course of the show!

FORTUNE is an effort in spacemaking, both in print and in gathering. It feels important to us, as we produce an object that archives itself and documents work by a community collected sparingly in print — that we document its production, too. Let’s meet each other here, for critical play and work, among TECHNOLOGIES that move us. As we close out AAPI Heritage Month, we laugh and cry at ‘Asia’ as a site of technological dystopias, waste incineration, and exoticized antiquity in the western imaginary. As we continue in the Year of the Pig, we want to lean into our shared references, imagine our queer asian futures, and live them together.

[High Tide is accessible by several steps and one flight of stairs. There is a freight elevator which will be available for use if it is in working order. Please call 267-277-3363 on the day of the event for an update. The event itself will be livestreamed, and welcomes participation digitally and abroad.]

PRESENTATIONS by Erica ‘Quinha’ Mukai Faria, Eva Wŏ, Noemi Charlotte Thieves, & Pear Wear

KARAOKE by Joan Oh

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